Monday 1 January 2018

Advertising Introduction

What is an advert?
An advertisement is an announcement made through media platforms such as newspapers, magazines and films. The purpose of advertisement is to promote or sell a product or service . An example of an advertisement is 'This Girl Can' advert which promotes women performing in sports that are male dominated such as Rugby, Football or Boxing.

What is an advertising campaign?
An advertising campaign is a organised way in which people can promote or sell a product or service to meet consumer demands. An example of an advertising campaign is the Valentino shoes advertisement.

What different mediums can adverts appear in?
There are several different types of mediums advertisements can appear in such as newspapers, magazines, movies, video games and on radio stations.

What is the main purpose of an advertisement?
The main purpose of an advertisement is to promote products/services to increase the number of sales for that particular company. An example of an advertisement is the Virgin Network advert using celebrity endorsement (in this case Usain Bolt) as a way of promotion. The reason for using Usain Bolt is to emphasise how fast the network is.

Image result for snapchatHere are my Top 4 advertisements that stick out to me personally...

To evaluate this blog post I will start by saying that advertising is a very important factor of all media sectors. Advertising is taking up by small business and large mainstream businesses as way of getting more people aware of their company. advertising can be performed on several different media sectors such as film, print and social media. the most common form of advertising is pop up advertising which occurs on social media and gaming. An example of pop up advertising is when your flicking through snap chat stories of your friends and seeing an advertisement of the latest dove shampoo as your half way through watching our friends stories.
Image result for media sectors

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