Wednesday 17 January 2018

7.Campaign Logistics

Image result for christmasImage result for twix bilboardI am going to start by describing the campaign logistics for the Twix digital advertisement campaign. Campaign logistics refers to the planning and decisions made before the actual product is promoted through digital advertisement such as timing, scheduling and significant events. For this particular advertisement the campaign may advertise the Twix bar even more towards the end of the year as the Christmas period arises. The sales of chocolate bars increase drastically as the Christmas period because it as particularly western tradition to have chocolates and sweets at Christmas as a family treat. The Twix advertisement is shown on Christmas movie channels in between movies (also known as advertisement breaks) or shown on channels like ITV whilst leading up Christmas. The digital Twix advertisement would be very suitable around the Christmas season because the advertisement reminds you of old classic British movies that always appear to show on Television around the Christmas period especially.

I am going to describe the campaign logistics for the print Twix print advertisement campaign. The
Twix company print thousands of copies to billboards to go around not only the United Kingdom but also the United States of America. The advertising campaign would need to schedule when the van used to deliver the posters across Britain would be arranged or ships for other states of America or western countries. The target audience will access the message through the small print at the bottom of the print advertisement stating where exactly you can buy the product and how much it should cost roughly. Another significant calendar event would be around Eid and other religious festivals such as Diwali.

I am going to explain and describe to  the way in which the Paco Rabanne print advertisement uses campaign logistics to promote the product to the fullest. Paco Rabanne has much more awareness in the United States of America than the product does in the United Kingdom. This means the greater mass of consumers will be based in the United States Of America. The Paco Rabanne advertising campaign will have thousands of copies printed and based in the city especially because that's where the target audience will be predominantly based(businessmen and women will be based in the city areas of the country due to the type of work needed in the city areas).

I am now going to describe to you what campaign logistics will be needed for the digital
advertisement for the Paco Rabanne One Million fragrance for men. There will need to be a lot of pre production planning as to how the money will split in which departments, the story board, hiring the people to fill certain roles such as... producer, executive producer, director and cameraman etc. There was also need to be someone to edit the final cut of the digital advertisement before it is actually released on television and this could take several weeks.

The Paco Rabanne print advertisement would have needed many copies just like for the Twix advertisement but the difference is that for the Paco Rabanne advertisement the posters and billboards would have placed in different areas. In comparison Twix is  more of a general product so it can be placed in many places not only the city areas. Chocolate bars will be sold all over whereas the Paco Rabanne fragrance will put in a specific area of the country where it will strictly attract it's target audience. The united states of America is much bigger than the united kingdom there fore the Paco Rabanne may have more consumers due to the number of people that will be interested in the product by looking at the print advertisement. The digital Twix advertisement will be much more entertaining for both adults and teenagers because of the fact the product is not gender nor age specific within its approach. It is extremely important that time is taken to produce digital and print advertisements to ensure that they comply with the ASA guidelines to avoid the risk of their advertisement being taken down and removed.

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Final Digital Advertisement

Link for the digital advertisement