Monday 22 January 2018


People/Models featured in the campaign

The model in the Paco Rabanne digital advertisement is Mat Gordon and these actors have been chose because they give the perfume a more mature and formal look which helps to aim it directly at its target audience. The use of formal clothing in both the print advertisement and the digital advertisement. Mat Gordon is known for his runway work in Paris especially. They have chosen to portray Mat Gordon as a 'rich man with all the power in his hands' for this particular advertisement. Mat Gordon has also been dressed like James Bond to give the whole impression of the how powerful he is and the feeling of being on top of the world. Men are represneted as materialistic and very powerful in many aspects not only financially this is also denoted by the female being drawn and stuck to him in the print advertisement.

Image result for matt gordon paco rabanneIn the print advertisement you can see the female is naked and painted gold to also highlight the colour contrast between the black and white background. The female is shown to be holding tight onto the man with her face very near to his neck . This denotes that  she is trying to smell the fragrance on him and is drawn to him because of the fragrance. This reveals how powerful the fragrance makes men feel and this is due to all the attractive materialistic things previously shown in the digital advertisement. Women are shown to be extremely vulnerable and attracted to men with money and many exoensive materialistic things. this also reinforces the stereotype of women loving to go shopping and spending a lot of their male partners money on more materialistic items such as expensive handbags etc. Women are shown to be drawn to men that have expensive materialistic things in not only the digital and print advertisement media sector but also in the film sector of media.

In the print advertisement for the Twix chocolate bar there are no models featured apartments from an actual pack shot of the chocolate bar shown on a gold background which is the colour of the actual twin packaging. the purpose of wrapping the bar in gold shiny paper highlights one of the ingredients used within the chocolate bar which is caramel.

For the digital Twix advertisement they have used over 35 people in the production as a way of representing how well known the brand is.

Places featured in the campaign

I am going to describe the places portrayed in the digital advertisemt. In the digital advertising campaign for the Paco Rabanne advertisement there is only one setting which is a pitch black room. The whole advertisement is in black and white apart from the part where they reveal the actual product. The reason for this is so you can see a clear color contrast between the rest of the items being shown in the advert and the actual product trying to be promoted to the audience. 

In the print advertisement for the Pack Rabanne we can see that the same setting as the digital advertisement is set .The idea of having a dark background helps to really enhance the colour of the product to grab the attention of the audience and really make the advertisement eye catching.

The Twix digital advertisement is being filmed with an outside setting outside of the Twix factory purposely for the audience to notice. Throughout the whole advertisement we can see the the Twix logo which constantly reminds the audience of the brand.

I am now going to explain the places/place featured in the print digital advertisement.

Products being advertised

I am going to describe the products portrayed in the digital advertisemt.The main product being advertised in the digital advertisement is the Paco Rabanne One million fragrance for men but throughout the advertisement you can see several other things advertised such as expensive cars and gambling.  The expensive car shown in the digital advertisement connotes a luxirious form of lifestyle.
Image result for suit shown in the paco rabanne advertisement

In the print advertisement we can see that the idea of having an luxirious lifetsyle is also connoted again by the choice of expensive and tailored suit that the man is wearing.  The male model is also wearing expensive jewerlery on his wrist which you can clearly see in the image next to this text this also promotes wealthiness as well.

In the print advertisement we can see that the only product being advertised is the actual chocolate bar itself as there is nothing else to see apart from the slogan and small print for the Twix digital advert.

As for the twix digital advertisement we can see that the campaign have clearly gone for more older appeal to the advertisement from the dressing and styles used for the cast. this is also portrayed in the fact that they have included a factory in the digital advertisement as most people within those days were predominantly working class and working in factories.

Themes featured in the campaign 

I am going to describe the themes portrayed in the digital advertisemt.In both the digital and print advertisement campaign the theme is James Bond. we know this because of the way the suit is fitted and the famous click of the finger to bring everything every man dreams off. This sells the illusion of being the most powerful figure in your field because according to this advertisement once you spray this fragrance on you all your dreams come true and all goals are achieved instantly.
The print advertisement has the same theme as the digital advertisement and denotes and promotes the image of a wealthy lifestyle.

I am now going to evaluate the themes, products, places and models shown in both the print advterisement and the digital advertisement. Both advertisements portray and represent men in a very positive way.Its very common in the advertisement sector for men to be potrayed  as the one with all the money and riches and the females are almost portrayed as another materialisic object in this advertisement. Both advertisemrnt use the same setting to help empahsize the gold product which is very clever as it catches the audiences' eyes.

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Final Digital Advertisement

Link for the digital advertisement