Saturday 13 January 2018


See the source image
Twix Chocolate Bar
The Twix digital advertising campaign complies with the advertising standards authority. I am going to explain to how exactly the Twix advertising campaign stays within the ASA guidelines. The Twix digital advertising campaign is child and adult friendly because it does not show any form of violence  , pornography or bullying. On the ASA website rule 5.5 clearly states ...
'Advertisements must not portray or represent children in a sexual way.' 
See the source imageOn the digital Twix chocolate bar advertisement we can clearly see that in no form at all children portrayed.'
The print advertisement for the Twix chocolate bar does not break any of the ASA rules or coding's and therefore does meet the standards of the advertising standards authority. In the print advertisement for the twix chocolate bar we can see the chocolate bar fully exposed with the Twix logo in red writing there is no sign of nudity, common drug use or crime. you would not expect to see things like this in an advert that is so universal and aimed at everyone and anyone regardless of their age.

Paco Rabanne 'One Million' 
I am going to start by explaining how the Paco Rabanne advertisement campaign does not comply with the ASA codes and rulings.The Paco Rabanne digital advertising campaign does not comply with the advertising standards authority because it breaks this rule... On the ASA website it clearly states that digital advertisements must not include obvious exagerations as wasy of promoting their product to gain awareness.
See the source image'Obvious exaggerations ("puffery") and claims that the average consumer who sees the advertisement is unlikely to take literally are allowed provided they do not materially mislead.' 

During the digital advertisement campaign we can see that Mat Gordon obtains all these very expensive materialistic items just by wearing the fragrance. The term 'materially misled'in this context refers to denoting to the audience that they will achieve material posessions through This also symbolises the growth of power for him which may put across the wrong message. The Paco Rabanne advertising campaign connotes a form of lifestyle that cannot be achieved by another material posession alone.

I am going to describe to you how the print advertisement does comply with the ASA guidelines. The Paco Rabanne print advertisement is aimed at those of a particularly mature age hence the reason for the lady painted in gold connoting that the scent of the man is irresistible.

I am now going to evaluate this blog post and briefly discuss the rules and coding's in terms of my 4 advertisement campaigns I have chosen to study. It is extremely important when producing advertisements digital or print ads that you comply with the ASA guidelines otherwise your advertisement may get removed from television or taken down from public spaces. It only takes one complaint from a member of the audience discussing what rule/code the particular advertisement breaks in order for the advertisement to be taken down.

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Final Digital Advertisement

Link for the digital advertisement