Monday 1 January 2018

Chocolate Taste Testing

Dairy Milk
I am going to start to describe the packaging of the dairy milk chocolate bar as very simple and clear because the wrapper displays exactly what the chocolate contains by a little image of the chocolate bar on the front cover of the wrapper. The wrapper is predominantly purple with white used for the writing. The reason for the wrapper being predominantly purple is because purple is the main colour used by the company on every single one of their products. The packaging of this product is extremely eye catching because of the matt purple colour used normally chocolate bars have glossy packaging to get the attention of customers but this bar takes the opposite approach. The slogan 'Glass and a Half ' is a very clever way of drawing customers into the product as it suggests something as unhealthy as a chocolate bar includes an important nutrients needed in a basic human diet. The term 'Glass and a Half' refers to the amount of full fat milk used in each chocolate bar. Milk contains calcium, protein, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins B2 and B12. All of the nutrients listed play a vital role in the body. Previous advertisement used for Dairy Milk . In this advertisement for the Dairy milk chocolate bar the audience witness something very weird and unusual which makes the advert extremely memorable and appealing to all ages as it is not every day you see a gorilla playing the drums. The best way to describe the taste of dairy milk is soft and silky. The dairy milk contains pure chocolate and nothing else. As soon as the chocolate enters your mouth it begins to melt and slowly break up and lose its shape. This is an on the go chocolate that many people of the public may pick up on their way home for the train journey ahead. A lot of the time the dairy milk chocolate bar is often used for baking desserts with in things such as chocolate filled cake and millionaire shortbread. The potential target audience for this dairy milk product is 15 up to 70 years old. This chocolate is a very universal chocolate that anyone and everyone can enjoy.

Boost is also a chocolate bar produced by Cadburys that consists of a milk chocolate outside with a caramel and biscuit filling. The boost wrapper is predominantly navy blue with splashes of yellow, orange, brown and black coming from the word 'Boost' in the centre of the packaging. The packaging of the boost chocolate bar is appealing especially to those who participate in sport as it reminds many members of the public of Boost the energy drink (pictured below). The potential target audience for this product is men aged 18 up to 50 years old. Boost is an on the go bar that a  lot of athletes especially may have after or before a game/match to keep the flow of energy increasing. This particular product from Cadburys attracts more of a mature audience that your younger generation. The reason for this is because stereotypically women tend to go for the more soft and mouth-melting and caramel dripping chocolate bars whereas men tend to go for the more chewy energy losing chocolate bars. The name boost makes people assume the chocolate bar is to do with some form of energy gaining which again is usually associated with sport. The chocolate provides a boost of flavour and boost of energy. Boost provides customers with a satisfying crunchy, crispy, smooth, nutty and filled with nougat all at once. It can be quite hard to chew at times but once it starts to melt everything crumbles together.

The best way to describe the taste of a flake chocolate bar is crumbly and smooth. As soon as your teeth touch the outside of the chocolate bar it begins to crumble in your mouth and instantly melts when it touches your tongue. Not only is flake a luxury chocolate commonly eaten in evening times but it is also is used in ice cream parlours/ice cream vans as a form of garnish. A simple swirl of ice cream with a flake poked in the side of the ice cream is a very common treat eaten on a sunny day. Flake the chocolate bar is seen as a luxury chocolate that stereotypically women would enjoy in the evening time. This chocolate bar is universal all ages and genders can enjoy it but women aged 25-85 would in particular would be attracted to this chocolate bar. The wrapper for this chocolate bar is easy to differentiate from other Cadburys chocolate bars. The wrapper is bright yellow with a clear brand name saying flake in the centre. the new  packaging for flake is much more glossy which also highlights the fact it is a luxury chocolate.

Crunchie is one of them chocolates that you either love or you hate. Its not a universal chocolate it only caters for a certain taste bud. The crunchie chocolate is made up of smooth milk chocolate and honeycomb. As soon as the bar is in your mouth you are instantly hit with melting chocolate then later hit with a crunchy, crumbly and crispy honeycomb. The rich gold yellow honeycomb in the centre of the bar creates a mixture of textures in your mouth. This chocolate bar is an on the go chocolate bar that someone would buy alongside their lunch. It is not seen as a luxury chocolate bar like flake. This chocolate bar appeals to both women and men but predominantly men. The reason for this is that men normally like chocolates that take more energy to eat and require more strength to actually break down. Crunchie attracts men aged 25- 60 years old in particular. Despite the fact the chocolate appeals to men of that age group it can also been seen as a universal chocolate that everyone can enjoy. Crunchie bar is eaten the most as an ice cream, the Mcdonalds Mcflurry crunchie flavour seems to be the most popular compared to all of the other flavours. Crunchie is very popular amongst the desert industry. The packaging of Crunchie right away sells the product and tells you exactly what it contains. The majority of the wrapper is gold and if you look closer on the wrapper you will see little holes that reveal exactly what the honeycomb looks like inside the chocolate bar. This wrapper again also has a glossy finish.

Wispa has dark purple packaging with bright red writing on the packaging. The chocolate tastes similar to Aero Bubble milk chocolate in the sense that they both have small little air bubbles/holes when you bite into the chocolate. The majority of the chocolate is smooth on the outside then when you bite into the chocolate you have a rough texture in your mouth from where the holes have not yet dissolved. It takes a little while longer compared to the other Cadburys products to melt in your mouth. This chocolate is a very common on the go chocolate that you may have in your break at work for an energy boost. This chocolate in particular is aimed at ages 5 to 45 years old for both men and women because it is a very universal chocolate. This chocolate does not target one specific gender nor age group. 

Twirl is a product produced by Cadburys  that is known for the way it encourages people to share similar to Twix and Walkers share and tear crisp packets. I am going to start by describing the Twirl bar's packaging and outside appearance . Similar to the Twix chocolate bar the Twirl chocolate bar has two sides to it in the wrapper. The packaging again has a glossy finish to it like the rest of the Cadburys products and is purple with yellow writing similar to flake but the major and minor colours are different. Like the rest of Cadburys products the smooth milk chocolate on the outside of the bar instantly melts in your mouth but with the twirl bar instead of being hit with a caramel or a chewy nougat you are hit with even more chocolate just in the form of a flake chocolate bar. Twirl is an on the go chocolate bar that parents may pick up for your child before you pick them up from school . In particular Twirl is aimed at children and teenagers aged 5 to 19 years old. The simplicity of the smooth chocolate yet complexity of the flake in the middle makes it highly appealing to those of a younger age.

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